History of Home Health Care in the US: Episode 1

January 25, 2019 Podcasts disabled comments
Kathy Duckett Podcast

Sharing is caring!

In this podcast episode, Kathy Duckett, MSN,RN will discuss a brief history of Home Health Care in the United States. In order to understand what home health care is now, it is important to understand how we got here. The history of home health care is the story of how we moved care from the hospital to the patient’s home with a focus on disease progression and wellness.

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Anderson, S.A. (2018, February 27). A brief history of Medicare in America. Retrieved from https://www.medicareresources.org/basic-medicare-information/brief-history-of-medicare/

Carr, P. (1996). Get ready for OASIS. Home Healthcare Nurse: the Journal for the Home Care and Hospice Professional, 14(1), 61. Retrieved from https://journals.lww.com/homehealthcarenurseonline/Citation/1996/01000/Get_Ready_for_OASIS.11.aspx

Cubanski, J., Swoope, C., Boccuti, C., Jacobson, G., Casillas, G., Griffin, S., Neuman, T. (2015, March 20). A primer on Medicare: Key facts about the Medicare program and the people it covers. Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Retrieved from https://www.kff.org/report-section/a-primer-on-medicare-how-is-medicare-financed-and-what-are-medicares-future-financing-challenges/

Buhler- Wilkerson, K. (n.d.). Home Care. Penn Nursing. Retrieved from https://www.nursing.upenn.edu/nhhc/home-care/

History of Home Health Care

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